Ragnhild Udbye Lefstad
- Acting Age: From 44
- Actual Age: 50 (Des-73)
- Hight: 167 cm
- Weight: 50 kg
- Hair: Redbrown
- Eyes: Blue
Nordic Institute for Scene and Studio (NISS) Actors Education
1 year acting-education led by instructor Stephen Hutton from Arts Education
Drama- and Theatre-communication (HIO) Storytelling
Acting-related courses and workshops
Feature films, shorts and tv
Music videos and commercials
Theatre and performance
Radio theatre, dubbing and voice-over`s
Short films: Leading roles in 40 films:
– “Being more like Bagsy” (25 Filmfestivals. Bronze Egg Küstendorf International Film Festival & Raina Film Distribution Award …)
– Music video: Maggie – Necklace
– “Nesting Place” (Grimstad, Minimalen, Nordic Panorama ) ”Morgenstund” (Grimstad) ”Glade Jul” (Grimstad) ”Sammensvergelse” (Grimstad) …
Tv: Police officer Emma in “Delete me” – Psychologist in “Sigurd Fåkke Pult” – Francesca in “Costa del Kongsvik” – Berit in “Arkivet” – “Oslo Zoo” – “Helt Perfekt” …
Commercials: “Our House” DNB 2015, Freia Klassikere, “Bolle i ovnen” Rema 1000
Scene: Hedda in ”Hedda Gabler”, Rosalind in ”As you like it”, Kassandra “Trojanerinnene” …
Dance: Experience in disco-jazz, classical, modern
Dialects: Trondheim, Oslo (Norwegian)
Language: English
Drivers license